Tuesday, February 28, 2006

SQL Server backup across more than one file

You can stripe a SQL Server’s database backup across more than one file. Striping a SQL Server backup across more than one backup file can provide performance advantages as well as make it possible to backup a VLDB where there is no single drive available with enough free space. Striped backups are supported in SQL Server 2000 & SQL Server 2005.

-- take a striped backup of the DB. Can be many more files than just two.
backup database northwind
to disk='\\Server1\t$\northwind1.bak',

-- take a look at the logical files in the DB so we can move them on restore
restore filelistonly
from disk='\\Server1\t$\northwind1.bak',

-- restore a DB from a striped backup
restore database northwind
from disk='\\Server1\t$\northwind1.bak',
with move 'northwind_Data' to 't:\northwind2.mdf',
move 'northwind_Log' to 'h:\northwind2.ldf',

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