Tuesday, November 15, 2005

PCNS - Retry password sync

While changing user password on AD and notifying a system that has a synchronized password through MIIS. What happens when Password Change Notification Service (PCNS) notifies MIIS about the password change but a synchronized system is offline?
You can configure the MA to retry password sync events.
Configuring a retry:
1. Right click an MA in Identity Manager, Properties, Extensions page
2. Click the Settings button next to Password Sync Target Settings (there are two on the page, it’s the bottom one)
3. Set the max retries and retry interval. They default to 10 retries, one every 60 seconds. Obviously, if your target system is offline for a long period of time, the retries won’t save you and you’ll just get an error, but it is sufficient for intermittent system downtime.

Another factor to consider when setting the retry counts/times may be that waiting too long between retries to compensate for extended downtime may delay the new password from propagating to that system

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